Database Application Programmers Users Group (Danish Embarcadero User Group)


WORKSHOP 28. - 29. april 2015

Hotel Hesselet

Stephen Ball

Getting connected. Multi-tier development.



På dette forårs workshop kommer vi til at arbejde med forbindelser. Der bliver en del med multi-tier udvikling, eksempler fra den virkelige verden, memory håndtering og Datasnap på Delphi's nye måde, altså med FireDAC, REST og JSON.
Der lægges i denne workshop op til, at man medbringer sit eget projekt. Hvis man har et Datasnap projekt som man har lidt bøvl med at få til at virke kan man tage det med, og Stephen vil så meget det er muligt være behjælpelig.
Kommer vi igennem stoffet for hurtigt har Stephen lidt ekstra med, som App Tethering IoT og i den dur.
Måske endda noget fra den næste version af Delphi (den efter XE7).

Stephen Ball has lead development teams for over a decade within the UK and across Europe working with a range of blue chip companies including Hilton, American Express, Fitness First, Virgin Active;

Stephen is a Chartered IT Professional and is the Associate Product Manager for InterBase and also a Product Evangelist for RAD Studio, regularly speaking across EMEA.

  • Tuesday

    08:00 Arrival and setup

    09:30 Welcome to Stephen

    09:40 Overview of multi-tier architectures.

    • SOAP / DataSnap / EMS
    • Why? How to plan one
    • Lessons learned from work with Vigin & Hilton

    10:50 BREAK

    11:05 Building our first web server and using it on multiple platforms.

    • Interfaces & Implementation
    • Functions and procedures
    • SOAP objects & types
    • Memory mangement

    12:00 LUNCH

    13:00 Building our first DataSnap server

    • Functions and procedures
    • Transporting objects
    o Serialization or complex types

    14:45 COFFEE BREAK

    15:00 More DataSnap

    • Datasnap and datasets
    • Adding User Security

    17:00 Wrap up of Tuesday, with a message from Flemming Jensen, Nohau.

    18:30 Drinks before dinner in Tranquebar

    19:00 DINNER

    Wednesday Day 2

    9:00 – Building our first EMS server
    • Functions and procedures
    • Building JSON responses
    • Analytics

    10:30 COFFEE BREAK

    10:45 – Preventing the UI from blocking when calling remote calls,

    Multithreading & parallel processing with Delphi
    • Basics of multithreading
    • For Loops, Tasks & Futures
    • Asynchronous programming
    Anonymous methods

    12:00 LUNCH

    13:00 – Making sure everyone has at least one client hooked to a server

    14:15 COFFEE BREAK

    14:30 – BYOP (Bring your own project/problem) Problem solving on the workshops techniques. Let’s bring up some cases where we can go through real-world problems with datasnap. Attendees are encouraged to have their own projects with them, and we’ll see if we can optimize them.

    16:00 Wrapup and evaluation,

    If there is spare time we have a few topics to run through:

    More connectivity options
    • IoT - AppTethering
    o Actions
    o Resources

    More new cool stuff to use in Delphi

    • Måske et kig på Delphi XE8 (eller hvad den nu kan komme til at hedde)

  • Prisen for WorkShop incl. overnatning på hotel og alle måltider er: kr. 5.900
  • Hvis du eller dit firma ikke er medlemmer af DAPUG er prisen kr. 6.700,-
  • Ekstra overnatning fra 27. april koster ca. kr. 1.150,-
  • OBS: Hvis beløbet er indbetalt på regnr. 1551 konto. 4 76 67 76
    inden 24. april er prisen kr. 5.400 (kr. 6.200, hvis man ikke er medlem)

  • Allersidste frist for tilmelding er 13. marts 2015
  • Tilmelding afsluttet