Som altid med Nick
Hodges drejer det sig om robust kode, hvor nøgleordet er kode frem for
Workshoppen foråret 2016 med Nick Hodges er omkring hvordan man laver
robust testbar kode med en dybdegående genenmgang af principper bag
Dependency Injection, samt en meget grundig gennemgang af MVC Framework
til Delphi med Web udvikling. Et par små godbidder som funktionel
programmering, operator overloading og parallel programmering bliver der
(forhåbentlig) også rigelig tid til at gennemgå.
This will be Nick’s third visit to the Dapug Workshop. The first couple
of times with Nick as speaker has been a huge success. It’s therefore
advisable to book your seat as soon as possible, as there are a limited
number of seats.
Nick Hodges has been a part of the Delphi community from the very
beginning. He is an original Delphi 1 beta tester, a former member of
TeamB, an Advisory Board member for the annual Borland Conference, a
frequent conference speaker, a blogger and author of numerous articles
on a wide range of Delphi topics.
Nick has a BA in Classical Languages from Carleton College and an MS in
Information Technology Management from the Naval Postgraduate School. In
his career he has been a busboy, a cook, a caddie, a telemarketer (for
which he apologizes), an Office Manager, a high school teacher, a Naval
Intelligence officer, a software developer, a product manager, and a
software development manager. In addition, he is a former Delphi Product
Manager and Delphi R&D Team Manager. He lives with his family in
Gilbertsville, PA.
Nick is also the author of “Coding in Delphi” and “More Coding in